
Sample Material Pack

Compatible with KeyShot 10 and later

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This package contains a KeyShot Material Package (.kmp) file for 10 hand-picked materials  from our Keyshot library, including a combination of procedural and 4K textures. This gives you a chance to follow the easy install process and try some out for yourself.

KeyShot Material Package (.kmp) containing each material and one combined multi-material

4K JPEG textures bundled within the material packages

Items can be downloaded immediately after checkout or later via the Asset Download email.

All assets can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Select a license which covers the number of KeyShot users at your organisation. 'Organisation' excludes education establishments.

If you have more than 10 KeyShot users or require education pricing, please contact for a quote.

For our full terms, please see our License page.